Last week's post (01.05.2023-07.05.2023)

Meager news of a boring week

Image credit: Freepic
import libr
print('Как дела?')

The whole week in one bottle

This week has been boring and meager on events, and therefore tedious. I got sick and managed to do my homework quickly, so in - unexpectedly -free time I wrote two poems and one story. Links and covers are attached.

Northern Fairy Tales. The Dragon in the forest

Northern Fairy Tales. The Dragon in the forest

The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita

May 2

May 2

Ganina Taisia
Ganina Taisia
Student of “Computer and Information Sciences”

I am a student of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, I entered the direction of Computer and Information Sciences in 2022.